The South West Anaesthetic Research Matrix
To allow trainees to continue their involvement in research and audit projects as they migrate around the deanery.
Established in 2012, SWARM is an anaesthetic trainee-led audit and research collaborative based in Peninsula Deanery in the South West of England.
SWARM has four key aims:
To establish a regional network of anaesthetic trainees who conduct multi-centre research and audit with a high potential for making an impact.
To attract national funding for research and audit work.
To provide training in research for the educational benefit of SWARM members.
Quick links
SWARM hold an annual Regional Training Symposium (RTS) in the Autumn which showcases a spectrum of research related content. Open to all the RTS is a great launchpad for anyone wanting to get involved. See the RTS option in the menu for more information.
SWARM have a number of current active projects running across the deanery. There is scope to et involved at every level so please contact your local lead to for how you can get involved.
SWARM has a large trainee committee with a variety of roles. Being a committee member is a great way to appreciate the full scope of a trainee research network and meet anaesthetists from across the region. Committee places open regularly and are open to all deanery trainees / staff grade anaesthetists. All posts will be advertised on the website and via email.
A number of past and present SWARM projects started with a bright idea from a local trainee. If you have a great research question but need a little help or if you want some advice about a project SWARM can help. If you contact us via email one of the committee will get back to you.
We would love to involve as many South West anaesthetic trainees in research as possible and whether you are a bona fide research guru or getting involved in research for the first time SWARM is here to help.