Sustainable Anaesthesia in Peninsula

Sustainable Anaesthesia in Peninsula (SAP)

Established in 2020 as a trainee-led network of anaesthetists working on, or interested in, perioperative sustainability initiatives.

The network was initially led by individuals working on Project Volatile, a now-mature initiative that has tracked the reduction in volatile anaesthetic agent across the Peninsula over the last three years and has been presented regionally and nationally. SAP is now looking to track and nurture a more diverse range of carbon-saving projects including reusable equipment, reductions in unnecessary heating and ventilation and the economising of nitrous oxide use.

Our aims are:

  • Maintain a network of trainees across Peninsula who are enthusiastic about green issues – information sharing is vital in establishing new initiatives

  • Reduce the environmental impacts of anaesthesia in Peninsula by promoting current sustainable best practice, ideally measuring its impacts in kgCO2equivalents

  • Engage and listen to colleagues in discussions about sustainable anaesthesia

  • Share information, resources and lessons learnt amongst sustainability focused groups in the South West

  • Collaborate in regional and national sustainability projects and initiatives

Ongoing projects:

  • Project Volatile (all regional trusts)

  • Ventilation/heating/air handling energy reduction (Plymouth, Truro)

  • Nitrous reduction (Exeter, Taunton, Torbay)

  • Reusable equipment (Torbay)

  • Volatile capture (Plymouth)

  • Total Intravenous Anaesthesia and Fresh Gas Flow (Exeter)

Getting Involved

If you are a trainee, SAS, fellow or consultant in the region and would like to be involved in SAP please contact us at or get in contact with your local SAP representative.

Sustainability Conferences:

There are an increasing number of sustainability-themed conferences. Most general conferences will also have a sustainability themed section with accompanying poster conference. Contact us if you would like advice on where to present your project.

External Resources:

The Association of Anaesthetists and the Royal College of Anaesthetists have some excellent resources on green anaesthesia.

There is also an open access e-learning on e-LFH (e-Learning For Health) for anyone enrolled onto e-Learning Anaesthesia. This can be accessed by anyone with an e-LFH account. It is found under My elearning > Anaesthesia (e-LA) > Additional Resources > Environmentally Sustainable Anaesthetic Practice